New Social-Cultural Pillar Indexes Calculation Model

New Social-Cultural Pillar Indexes Calculation Model

Release date: 31/05/2024

We are thrilled to announce that we have recently updated our sustainability analysis module, introducing significant improvements that will provide even more accurate and detailed data readings, including for small destinations or areas.

These updates result from meticulous work in reviewing and optimising our calculation algorithm. Here are the main new features:

  • New public transport evaluation categories, a significant addition that includes the public transit area and bus ticket agency. This expansion will provide a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the public transport system and enhance your decision-making process, making it more informed and effective.
  • Our benchmark calculation method, a cornerstone of our sustainability analysis, has been enhanced. This improvement increases the minimum value of the indices, providing you with even more precise and valuable data. You can now approach your work with a greater sense of confidence.
  • One of the key improvements is the significant reduction in the time required to calculate benchmarks. This enhancement makes the process more efficient and faster and allows you to access the needed data in a shorter time frame, addressing a common concern and improving your workflow.
  • Enhanced maps: You will notice increased active tiles with scores, improving data visualisation and interpretation.

We have also diligently resolved various minor issues ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience and instilling confidence in the system's performance.

Thanks to these improvements, the updated indices are:

  • Cultural Index
  • Urban Green Index
  • Public Transportation Index

These updates will give you a more precise and detailed view of sustainability, helping you make more informed decisions and better utilise the potential of your areas of interest.

Thank you for your attention and trust in our service.

The Data Appeal Product Team