
[11/07/2024] New Predicted Event Spending

Exciting news! We have launched a major game-changing release on D / AI Destinations.

Starting this week, we will gradually roll out new Predicted Events Spending data!

Spending data for a destination is not just a collection of numbers but a practical tool that can be used at several levels.

Thanks to this added data layer, you can calculate the actual ROI for specific events and the benefits for your local stakeholders.

Spending data also involves understanding visitor behaviour, which is crucial for territorial and infrastructural planning and investment decision-making.

By analysing spending habits, you can gain valuable insights to guide strategies and improve services.


The Events module reboot

Specifically, the Events module reboot will see the following new feature:

  • Review of the three main KPIs (predicted attendance, predicted spending, and attended events based on the module filters)
  • Event List: you asked, and we listened. You can now analyse a list of events with related data, sorted using the module filters to get a quicker and more efficient overview and for a better focus. We also added a search bar to make the analysis process more accessible for more prominent destinations dealing with many events. You will also be able to order events based on your own needs and criteria.
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  • Events Card: for a detailed overview and drill-down analysis of a single event.
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  • Calendar: thanks to this reboot, scheduled events, expected attendance, and predicted spending are given for each day, and you can drill down by clicking on specific dates. For any selected day, you will also see the OTA saturation, rates, and impact of each scheduled event.
  • Area Distribution: The map visualisation offers an immediate geographical overview, which is helpful when focusing on the most or least stressed and profitable areas related to POIs presence.
  • The map will be displayed with an initial view of a geographical area of reference. Depending on your analysis needs, you can zoom in or out on the map and view specific details of an area of interest to you. The "tile 13s" on the map represent a grid of smaller geographic sections. You can focus on a single tile for a more detailed view of event data in that area.

  • Distribution of predicted spending by category: a very helpful widget during decision-making. It can help them determine the financing level for specific events, identify the beneficiaries among local stakeholders, and understand visitors' preferences. By analysing this data, you can identify potentially profitable visitor segments and make informed investment decisions.
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  • Attendance-based events: this is an overview of the expected number of participants at attendance-based events for the selected period. As always, data can be analysed by month, week or day.
  • Top event category: for an easy overview of the distribution of categories and expected attendance at events
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  • Predicted attendance and spending trend: a beneficial timeline overview of predicted attendance and predicted spending (and relatives sub-categories) for the selected period, visualizable by month, week or day.
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