

🧬 General Data Packs Questions

Is your data GDPR compliant?
What is your data coverage?
What are the industries and categories you cover?
How often is the data updated?
How do you collect data?
How many sources do you collect data from?
What is the available historical data?
How are Data Packs delivered?
What is Sentiment Score?
How is the Sentiment Score calculated?
What are the Sentiment Score’s interpretation guidelines?
What is the Popularity Index?
How is the Popularity Index calculated?
What are the Popularity Index’s interpretation guidelines?

📍 POI Data Packs

How should I match Data Appeal POIs with existing internal POI data?
Is it possible to incorporate customer-reported Points of Interest (POIs) into the monitoring process?

🌍 Location Data Packs

What is the granularity at which you would be providing the Location data set? What is the Polygon shape?
Can I request a Location Data Pack for 2 different countries?