
Location Sustainability

Location Sustainability Add-On characteristics:

Available in 20 Countries, click on the toggle to see the full list.
Available at Bing Tile Level 13 (approximately 3.5 km x 3.5 km)
  • All Indexes are grouped on a monthly basis, by default it comprehends only the last completed month.
Please be aware that the significance of certain pillars may vary based on the specific geometry of the area in question, as this is an inherent characteristic of each pillar. We strongly recommend requesting the Sustainability Insights Add-On for areas with a significant population. This will guarantee that you obtain a detailed and insightful data set, customised to your unique requirements. We aim to avoid delivering low-quality data when the population is not sufficiently relevant.

To improve your comprehension of the Location Sustainability Insights Add-On, it's important to recognise that it comprises 17 proprietary indexes. Certain indexes are formulated by amalgamating others, creating a hierarchical framework, as you see in the scheme ⬇️


For an in-depth explanation of each index, please consult the table fields.

Field Name
geometry_id 🔑
Unique identifier of a geometry (which is a standard subset of location). Use it to recognise the specific geometry or as a foreign key to link different files and/or packages together.
geometry 🔑
Spatial information in .WKT format, outlining the defined polygon through specific longitude and latitude coordinates.
POLYGON ((9.052734375 45.52174389699363, 9.0966796875 45.52174389699363, 9.0966796875 45.55252525134013, 9.052734375 45.55252525134013, 9.052734375 45.52174389699363))
The Destination Sustainability Index is a vital Index for assessing and measuring the overall sustainability of a location. This index is built upon four fundamental pillars: the destination management pillar, the over-tourism pillar, the social and cultural pillar and the environmental pillar. This comprehensive resumes all the pillars in a 0 to 100 score where: 0-20: Poor Rating 21-40: Below Average Rating 41-60: Average Rating 61-80: Good Rating 81-100: Excellent Rating
This key pillar focuses on locations's perception, confidence, and overall success. Discover visitors' satisfaction with every stay aspect, including accommodations and attractions. Plan specific actions, design target marketing campaigns based on these actionable data and help local stakeholders grow. This pillar combines the data of the three sub-indices that comprise it (Sentiment, Travel Barometer Index and Seasonal Balance) in a 0 to 100 score where: 0-20: Poor Rating 21-40: Below Average Rating 41-60: Average Rating 61-80: Good Rating 81-100: Excellent Rating
Sentiment analysis in tourism evaluates traveler opinions and emotions from online sources like reviews and social media, using machine learning to gauge sentiments towards destinations or services. This helps tourism businesses improve customer satisfaction, identify service quality, detect trends, and refine marketing strategies. The index has a value between 1 and 100 that can be read as follows: 1-20: Very Negative 21-40: Somewhat Negative 41-60: Neutral 61-80: Somewhat Positive 81-100: Very Positive
The Travel Barometer algorithm evaluates location performance using digital data, user sentiment, and tourism operators' online presence. Its capabilities include identifying areas for improvement, tracking industry trends, evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies, and comparing with other locations. This tool helps in understanding and enhancing tourism outcomes by providing insights into performance trends and competitive positioning. The index has a value between 1 and 100 that can be read as follows: 1-20: Very Negative 21-40: Somewhat Negative 41-60: Neutral 61-80: Somewhat Positive 81-100: Very Positive
The Seasonal Balance Index evaluates tourist demand distribution across different seasons. It aids in: - Investment Planning: Directing funds to promote off-peak tourism. - Developing Tourism Products: Introducing activities to balance seasonal visitor flow. - Managing Accommodation: Aligning facilities and marketing to tourist influx. - Planning Events: Organising off-season activities to attract tourists. The index has a value between 1 and 100 that can be read as follows: 1-20: Very Negative 21-40: Somewhat Negative 41-60: Neutral 61-80: Somewhat Positive 81-100: Very Positive
This key pillar serves to understand and manage over-tourism effectively. Assess the impact of over-tourism on your location considering various indicators, such as tourism flows, pressures on tourism supply, population density and the satisfaction of the local community. With these insights, you can thoroughly analyse and measure the profound impact of tourism on the community and local economy and make informed strategic decisions to ensure a thriving and balanced environment. This pillar combines the data of the three sub-indices that comprise it (Tourism Pressure Index, Tourism supply pressure index and OTA Intermediary index) in a 0 to 100 score where: 0-20: Poor Rating 21-40: Below Average Rating 41-60: Average Rating 61-80: Good Rating 81-100: Excellent Rating
The Tourism Pressure Index, ranging from 0 (high pressure) to 100 (very low pressure), evaluates the impact of tourism relative to local population density. Key levels are: 0-20: High pressure with significant challenges like congestion and environmental impact. 21-40: Above-average pressure, still manageable. 41-60: Average pressure, balanced tourist flow. 61-80: Low pressure, quieter for residents and visitors. 81-100: Very low pressure, minimal tourist influence. This index helps identify areas where tourism management is crucial to maintain community well-being.
The Tourism Supply Pressure Index assesses how tourism supply affects a location’s community. It considers two factors: short-term rental points of interest (POI) and accommodation capacity relative to population density. 0-20: Very high supply pressure, potential congestion and gentrification. 21-40: Above-average supply pressure, manageable. 41-60: Average supply pressure, balanced. 61-80: Low supply pressure, fewer short-term rentals. 81-100: Very low supply pressure, advantageous for the community.
The OTA Intermediary Index assesses the influence of online travel agencies (OTAs) on a location’s hospitality sector. It measures the percentage of accommodation bookings made through OTAs compared to the total bookings. The index ranges from 0 to 100, divided into five categories: 0-20: High OTA Intermediation - Dominant OTA reliance. 21-40: Above Average Intermediation - Significant OTA presence with diversification. 41-60: Average Intermediation - OTA use in line with the market. 61-80: Low Intermediation - Limited OTA influence, bookings from other sources. 81-100: Very Low Intermediation - Minimal OTA presence, reliance on other distribution channels.
This pillar focuses on the effects of tourism on a locations's social and cultural aspects, such as the presence and quality of urban green, the locations’s cultural vitality and reputation, and general accessibility in terms of public transportation. Through the proprietary data analysis, the index aims to provide valuable insights for promoting inclusive communities and sustainable development. This pillar combines the data of the four sub-indices that comprise it (Cultural Index, Urban Green Index, Public Transportation Index and LGBTQ+ Index) in a 0 to 100 score where: 0-20: Poor Rating 21-40: Below Average Rating 41-60: Average Rating 61-80: Good Rating 81-100: Excellent Rating
The Cultural Index evaluates the presence and quality of cultural points of interest in an area, including religious sites, museums, theaters, and more. It uses a 0 to 100 scale divided into five categories: 0-20 - Poor : Limited cultural presence, potential lack of investment. 21-40 - Below Average: Slightly better but still below average. 41-60 - Average: Moderate cultural presence. 61-80 - Good: Positive cultural presence with high-quality institutions. 81-100 - Excellent: Outstanding cultural presence with well-maintained institutions.
The Urban Green Index assesses the quantity and quality of green spaces in urban areas, including parks, forests, and nature-related attractions. It uses a 0 to 100 scale divided into five categories: 0-20 - Poor: Limited green spaces, potentially neglected. 21-40 - Below Average: Slightly more green spaces but insufficient quality or diversity. 41-60 - Average: Moderate green spaces with acceptable quality. 61-80 - Good: Many high-quality green spaces for outdoor activities. 81-100 - Excellent: Exceptional quantity and quality of green spaces, promoting a healthy urban lifestyle.
The Public Transportation Index evaluates the quality and accessibility of public transportation in an area using various points of interest (POI): Bus stops, Subway and tram stations, Railway stations, Ports and airports, Sharing mobility services. It uses a scale from 0 to 100: 0-20: Poor 21-40: Below Average 41-60: Average 61-80: Good 81-100: Excellent
The LGBTQ+ index is an index that provides a numerical evaluation of the tourist location based on its reception and inclusion towards LGBTQ+ people (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and other different sexual and gender identities). This index is essential for measuring a location's openness and hospitality to the LGBTQ+ community. LGBTQ+ index uses a scale from 1 to 100, with a higher score indicating greater inclusion and acceptance. The LGBTQ+ index is a fundamental tool for measuring the reception and inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in tourist destinations. Thanks to this index, localities can evaluate their progress in promoting equality and take concrete steps to become more welcoming tourist destinations for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
The environment pillar prioritises the sustainability of your locations's environment, allowing you to assess factors like greenery, natural surroundings, pollution levels, and air quality to meet the needs of your visitors while nurturing a better life environment for your citizens. This pillar combines the data of the two sub-indices that comprise it (Nature Coverage Index and Air Quality Index) in a 0 to 100 score where: 0-20: Poor Rating 21-40: Below Average Rating 41-60: Average Rating 61-80: Good Rating 81-100: Excellent Rating
The Natural Coverage Index assesses the presence and extent of natural elements like forests, meadows, and beaches in an area, indicating the ecosystem's health. It uses a scale from 0 to 100: 0-20: Poor - Minimal natural elements, significant lack of habitats. 21-40: Below Average - Limited natural habitats, insufficient conservation. 41-60: Average - Moderate natural habitats, room for improvement. 61-80: Good - Abundant natural elements, good conservation. 81-100: Excellent - Exceptional natural coverage, high ecosystem conservation.
The Air Quality Index assesses air quality based on pollutants like PM10, PM2.5, NO2, O3, and SO2. It provides a numerical value indicating air health: 0-20 (Poor): Excellent air quality, no health risks. 21-40 (Below average): Still acceptable, but sensitive individuals may be affected. 41-60 (Average): Air quality deteriorates, some may feel effects. 61-80 (Good): Acceptable with a slight health risk increase. 81-100 (Excellent): Suitable but pollution levels rise, impacting sensitive individuals. Lower values indicate better air quality. Monitoring is crucial, especially in high pollution, for necessary precautions.