
Dictionary: Popularity Index

The Popularity Index (PI) is an innovative proprietary metric designed to quantify the popularity of Points of Interest (POIs) over time. Employing an uncapped range, the PI combines geo-localised social media and review data to offer a dynamic and nuanced picture of POI attendance and attraction, thus serving as a pivotal tool for businesses, urban development, and tourism sectors. The PI is continually updated, with the methodology and corrective factors undergoing regular review to maintain its relevance and effectiveness.

Our current implementation of the Popularity Index (PI) is manifested in the following:

Please note that the Popularity Index (and all fields derived from it) is calculated in such a way as to be as homogeneous and standardised as possible, enabling the comparison of completely different realities using a standard metric. This characteristic means that seasonal peaks may not be very pronounced within the trends.


Data Collection

The PI's foundation is laid on a rich bedrock of geo-localised reviews and social media content, rendering an objective and comprehensive analysis of trends over various timeframes.

  • Algorithmic Sophistication: A proprietary algorithm is adeptly applied to the content volume for each POI or tile. This algorithm is meticulously calibrated with corrective factors, enhancing its precision and adaptability to diverse scenarios.

Popularity Scale

The scale, ranging from 0 (indicative of insufficient data) to beyond 120 (signifying extraordinarily high attendance), is meticulously crafted. Each range is distinct, delineating various attendance levels, thereby facilitating precise interpretations and strategic comparisons across a spectrum of POIs and temporal segments.

  • Scale Interpretation: This expansive scale enables stakeholders to decode attendance nuances, from 'Very Poor' to 'Extraordinarily High', offering a granular insight into visitor dynamics.
Not enough data to provide an estimate
.01 - 10
Very poor attendance
10 - 20
Poor attendance
21 - 40
Light attendance, mostly concentrated in certain time slots
41 - 60
Average attendance, distribution with significant peaks
61 - 80
Good attendance, even distribution
81 - 100
Strong attendance
101 -120
Very strong attendance
> 120
Extraordinarily high with consistent overflow

Use Cases

  • Strategic Market Analysis: Businesses can harness the PI for deep-diving into market trends, customer inclinations, and competitive landscapes.
  • Informed Investment Decisions: Investors gain a powerful tool to pinpoint burgeoning areas, thereby strategically steering their investment decisions.
  • Dynamic Tourism Enhancement: The PI serves as a strategic compass for tourism boards, guiding them in elevating high-scoring POIs and optimising tourist experiences.
  • Urban Planning & Real Estate Development: Urban planners and real estate developers can draw on the index to craft attractive, vibrant urban spaces.
  • Benchmarks for Comparative Analysis: The PI empowers entities to conduct rigorous benchmarking, fostering strategic positioning within industries.

Key Insights and Trends

  • Temporal Attendance Patterns & Seasonal Dynamics: The PI adeptly highlights attendance trends, uncovering seasonal variances and peak popularity periods.
  • Longitudinal Evolution: It offers a window into the progressive popularity of POIs, spotlighting growth trajectories or declining interests.
  • Spatial Flexibility: Unbound by spatial resolution constraints, the PI allows for versatile aggregations tailored to specific analytical needs.
  • Adaptable and Category-Specific Analysis: The calculation of the Popularity Index (PI) is adaptable to different categories and industries, recognising that the factors influencing popularity can significantly vary across sectors. This flexibility allows the PI to accurately reflect the unique characteristics and consumer behaviours pertinent to each category. Regular updates and reviews of the category-specific factors ensure that the Popularity Index stays current with evolving market dynamics and consumer preferences, maintaining its effectiveness as a key performance indicator in a rapidly changing landscape.


The Popularity Index distinguishes itself as an essential KPI in the arsenal of modern business intelligence. Its in-depth, multifaceted analysis furnishes actionable insights across industries, guiding strategic decisions. The PI's ongoing enhancements in data sourcing and analytical methodologies assure its place as a dynamic, indispensable resource for discerning consumer behaviour and POI attractiveness.