
Dictionary: Sentiment Score

The Sentiment Score is a pioneering KPI expressed as a percentage, ranging from 1 to 100, designed to measure the global satisfaction level of customers. This score is derived using a proprietary semantic algorithm that comprehensively analyses various attributes of online content including feedbacks, topics, opinions, and languages. The Sentiment Score serves as an indispensable tool in understanding customer sentiments, shaping strategic business decisions, and enhancing customer experiences across diverse sectors.


Data Collection

The Sentiment Score is calculated based on a wealth of geo-localised reviews and social media content, offering an objective and extensive perspective on customer satisfaction trends.

Algorithmic Sophistication

A proprietary semantic algorithm is employed, which skilfully processes the volume and nature of content for each POI. This algorithm is fine-tuned with specific factors that account for nuances in customer feedback, ensuring precision and adaptability in diverse scenarios.

Data Quality Strategies

Rigorous data quality methodologies are applied to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the sentiment analysis. Regular updates and reviews of these methodologies keep the Sentiment Score relevant and effective in a dynamic market environment.

Use Cases

The Sentiment Score is instrumental in various applications:

  • Strategic Market Analysis: Businesses can utilise the score to delve into market trends and customer preferences, gaining insights for competitive advantage.
  • Customer Experience Enhancement: It provides valuable insights for businesses to improve customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Investment Decision Making: Investors can use the score to identify promising areas for investment, focusing on POIs with high customer satisfaction levels.

Key Insights and Trends

  • Temporal Attendance Patterns & Seasonal Dynamics: The Sentiment Score effectively highlights customer satisfaction trends over time, revealing seasonal patterns and peak satisfaction periods.
  • Spatial Flexibility: The score's adaptability in terms of spatial resolution allows for a nuanced understanding of customer sentiments across various locations, whether it's at a local, regional, or national level.
  • Category-Specific Analysis: The Sentiment Score's calculation is tailored to different POI categories, acknowledging that factors influencing customer satisfaction can vary significantly across sectors. This ensures a precise reflection of customer sentiments in each specific context.


The Sentiment Score stands out as a crucial KPI for modern business intelligence, offering in-depth insights into customer satisfaction. Its ongoing enhancement in methodology and data sourcing solidifies its role as a dynamic and vital tool for analysing consumer behaviour and attractiveness of POIs. With its ability to provide detailed and actionable insights, the Sentiment Score is indispensable for businesses aiming to understand and enhance customer experiences, shape strategic decisions, and maintain a competitive edge in the market.